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肝胆欲碎网2024-09-20 09:02:22【热点】6人已围观

简介psp魔法飞球作为中国重要的传统节日之一,端午节,又称端阳节、龙舟节等,日期在每年农历五月初五。端午节起源于中国,始于春秋战国时期,至今已有两千多年历史。传说战国时期的楚国诗人屈原在五月初五跳汨罗江自尽,后人亦将端 地平线5下载手机版


  As one of China’s significant traditional festivals,午节 the Duanwu Festival, also known as Dragon Boat Festival or the Duanyang Festival, falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month each year. Originating in China, the festival began during the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, boasting a history of over 2,000 years. It is traditionally believed that Qu Yuan, a poet from the Chu state, drowned himself in the Miluo River on this day, making the festival a day to honor his memory. Other stories suggest it also commemorates figures like Wu Zixu, Cao E, and Jie Zitui.


  In China, the Duanwu Festival has long been celebrated with activities like eating zongzi (sticky rice dumplings) and racing dragon boats. In southern regions, the tradition of drinking realgar wine persists, while in the north, people hang mugwort, burn calamus, and use the "five poisons" to ward off evil, all in the hopes of smoothly navigating through this period. In September 2009, the Dragon Boat Festival became the first Chinese festival to be inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.


  Neighboring countries, deeply influenced by Chinese culture, also celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.


  In South Korea, people worship mountain gods, wear traditional Korean clothing, wash their hair with calamus water, and play on swings during the festival, but they do not race dragon boats. Instead of eating zongzi, Korean people enjoy mugwort cakes and cherry blossom tea.


  In Japan, people do not race dragon boats on this day, but they do eat zongzi like the Chinese and hang calamus grass in front of their doors. Due to a homophone, the Dragon Boat Festival has gradually become a festival for boys in Japan. On this day, people hang carp flags at their doorsteps, hoping for boys to grow up strong and successful in their careers.


  In Singapore, people enthusiastically engage in dragon boat races and eat zongzi each year during the Dragon Boat Festival. Nyonya zongzi is a unique Dragon Boat Festival delicacy in Singapore.


  In Vietnam, people also gather mugwort, paint their foreheads, wear sachets, drink realgar wine, and race dragon boats. Vietnamese people prepare turmeric glutinous rice, praying for their ancestors’ blessings and favorable weather.


  Moreover, the custom of dragon boat racing during the Dragon Boat Festival has spread to countries such as Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, and Australia, becoming one of the most beloved sports events.


  The diverse celebration methods in various countries convey the same wish for peace and happiness. It is believed that more outstanding traditional festivals will venture abroad in the future, allowing people to express wellness in different languages!





